
Knjiga utisaka

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Unesite svoje podatke i svoje komentare. Vaši komentari će biti poslati administratoru na odobrenje i ubrzo biti objavljeni. Molimo Vas da ne unosite poruke koje nisu prikladne za objavljivanje, jer time samo gubimo vreme ( Vi na pisanje a mi na brisanje ).


  1. M

    sobe i enterijer uskladjeni sa standardima na zapadu. Osoblje vrlo prijatno a gosp. LJILJANI posebno se zahvaljujem na ljubaznoscu… Zelim Vam uspeh u radu i prosirenje Vasih kapaciteta,,, srdacan pozdrav Marko

  2. M

    Everything is clean and nice, hosts are very cheerful. We were happy to find, that breakfast is included in price. Everything is working, wi-fi is quite fast. In cold weather it is warm and comfortable in the room. We enjoyed our stay.

  3. E

    We are a couple from Boston, USA. We were happy to have a simple cheerful room managed by courteous family. The place is well maintained and our room was extremely clean. The nicest part was the garden. The location is very central and convenient. I would recommend this hostel to everyone

  4. A

    Vrhunski smestaj, jako prijatni domacini, OAZA u svakom smislu. Svaka preporuka.

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